Talent Type
Performance Skills
Fluent Languages
Athletic Endeavors
Additional information
Kaylee is an exceptionally talented and dedicated young actor known for her quick learning and adaptability. At just 8, she has already achieved remarkable milestones in her performing arts journey. She excelled in Ariel Silks Hammock, swiftly advancing to Advanced Level 2 as the youngest in her class. At age 8, Kaylee was the youngest student invited to join the prestigious Kids Professional Conservatory at Carol Hickey Acting Studio, typically reserved for ages 10 and up. She has been part of her school's Talented and Gifted program since 1st grade, earning the admiration and affection of all her teachers. Kaylee takes direction exceptionally well and is a fantastic team player, demonstrating a deep passion for performing in every role she undertakes.
Gender: FEMALE
Age: Child 6-12
Weight: 60-69 lbs
Height: 4'3"
Eyes: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Market: Los Angeles, Louisiana, New Mexico, Other States, Texas
Union Status: NON-UNION