Talent Type
Performance Skills
Fluent Languages
Athletic Endeavors
Additional information
I am home grown El Pasoan native whose DNA were here long before Texas was named.
Though, now I am officially on Medicare, I feel as young as 40ish.
I am well balanced, fluently in both English and Spanish, but prefer Spanglish over both. I am also rusty on sign language.
I am an open minded, life-long learner, who loves to engage in meaningful conversations.
My favorite thing to do each morning is to practice Qigong and thank Mother Earth along with all the Gods for my day.
Gender: FEMALE
Age: Senior
Weight: 130-139 lbs
Height: 5'3"
Eyes: Brown, Gray
Hair Color: Gray Mixed/ Unusual
Hair Length: Long
Ethnicity: American Indian, Asian, Filipino, Hispanic, Mixed
Market: Los Angeles, Louisiana, New Mexico, Other States, Texas
Union Status: NON-UNION